Our Mission

Our Mission is to provide rural Kenyans with a source of income generation, a marketable skill, and basic business principles, while producing an inexpensive, reliable bar of soap for hand-washing, in order to promote good hygiene practices in the rural communities of Nyanza Province, Kenya.


W.A.S.H. is more than a verb! It's a catchy acronym that stands for Water, Sanitation, and Hygiene. The term W.A.S.H. is used to refer to many development and public health projects related to water, sanitation, and hygiene. These projects range from latrine construction, well-building, and water treatment promotion, to hand-washing stations, education on germ theory, and rain-water catchment installation.

Lwala Community Alliance is currently working with several schools in communities surrounding Lwala to educate teachers and students on WASH, to assess water and sanitation needs at schools, and to eventually undertake projects to build latrines, install rain-water catchment, and promote the use of  Tippy Taps for hand-washing.